Curriculum Vitae (Summary): Lourdes Arizpe


Nationality: Mexican



Certificat de langue et littérature françaises, Université de Genève, Switzerland, 1964; M.A. Social Anthropology, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, 1970; Ph.D. Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1975.


Researcher-Lecturer , El Colegio de México, 1972-85; Academic Coordinator, Department of Sociology, El Colegio de México, 1975-77; Researcher-Consultant, International Labor Organization, 1979-81; Visiting Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University, 1982; Director, National Museum of Popular Cultures, 1985-88; Professor-Researcher, Regional Centre for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 1988-2018; President, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1988-1993; Director, Institute of Anthropological Research, (UNAM), 1991-94; Secretary, Mexican Academy of Science, 1992-94; Assistant Director-General for Culture, UNESCO, 1994-98; Vice-President, International Social Science Council, 1998-2002; President, International Social Science Council, 2002-2006; Director, Culture, Politics and Cultural Heritage Program, Regional Centre for Multidisciplinary Research (UNAM), 2000-2016.


Founder of the Red de Promocion de Mujeres Rurales, 1988; Member of the Joint Latin-American Committee, Social Science Research Council (U.S.A.), 1987-90; Member of the Steering Committee, Development Alternatives for Women in a New Era – DAWN, 1985-89; President of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences - IUAES, 1988-93; Secretary of the Mexican Academy of Science, 1992-94; Member of the Steering Committee "Overcoming Hunger in the 1990's", 1990-93; Member of the Executive Committee, Society for International Development – SID, 1991-92; Vice-President of the International Social Science Council - ISSC, 1992-94; Board of Trustees of the Center for International Earth Science Information NetworkCIESIN, 1993-96; Member of the Executive Committee, Latin American Studies Association LASA , 1994-96; Member of the Advisory Board of theHuman Development Report, United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, 1997-2004; Member of the Board on Sustainable Development of the National Research Council, USA, 1996-2000; Advisory Committee on the Environment of theInternational Council of Scientific Unions - ACE-ICSU, 1996-2001; Member of the Advisory Group on Social Affairs for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank, 1997; Member of the Jury for the Prize on International Scientific Cooperation, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 1998–2000; Vice-President,International Social Science CouncilISSC, 1998-2000; Member of the Advisory Group on Global Initiatives – UNDP, 1999; Member of the International Advisory Council for the United Nations History Project 2000-2010; Chair of the Scientific Committee, Unesco World Culture Report vols. 1998, 2001; Chair of the Committee on Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Mexican Council for the Reform of the State, 2001; Member of the Advisory Council, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, 2002-2008; Member of the Expert Group for the International Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage , 2001-2003; Consultant for the Program “World Cultures” of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, 2004; Coordinator, Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship Program on “Mexican Transition: culture, migration, gender and violence”, 2003-2006 at the Regional Centre for Multidisciplinary Research – CRIM-UNAM; Member of the Advisory Board of the Human Development Report 2004 - UNDP on Cultural Freedom in a World of Diversity”; Member of the Governing Board of the Mexican Council to Prevent Discrimination, 2002-2006; Coordinator of the Manual on Social Practices, Rituals and Festivities for Unesco, 2003-2004; Organizer of the meeting on Research in the Social Sciences with the Chinese Council of Social Science in Beijing, 2004; Coordinator of the anthropology research project on “Cultural Interactions, Migration and Intangible Cultural Heritage”, Crim-Unam 2005-2015; Member of theInternational Association of Cultural Diversity, 2006; Organizer of the International Social Science Council Meeting: “Social Sciences and Cultural Diversity” meeting held at the Library of Alexandria, November 12, 2006; Organizer of the Joint Meeting of the International Social Science Council and the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences held at the Library of Alexandria, 13-16 November, 2006; Sabbatical semester, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Maison des Sciences de l´Homme, Paris, France, 2007; Member Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, January, 2009-2015; Honorary Fellowship, Manchester University, U.K., 2014; Member of working group on Risks of World Heritage, American Science Academy and British Academy, 2016

PUBLICATIONS (Research Books)

- Parentesco y Economía en una Sociedad Nahua. Instituto Nacional Indigenista. Mexico, 1972. (Reedited by the Instituto Nacional Indigenista - 1990).

- Indígenas en la Ciudad : el caso de las Marías. Sepsetentas. Mexico, 1975. (Reedited SEP Ochentas, 1982).

- Migración, Etnicismo y Cambio Económico: Un estudio de migrantes campesinos a la ciudad de México . México: El Colegio de México.

- El Reto del Pluralismo Cultural. 1978. Mexico: Instituto Nacional Indigenista.

- Campesinado y Migración. 1986. (Antología de artículos propios publicados). Mexico: Secretaría de Educación Pública.

- La Mujer en el desarrollo de México y de América Latina . 1990.(Antología de artículos propios publicados). México: CRIM‑UNAM/Juan Pablos.

- Cultura y desarrollo: una etnografía de las creencias de una comunidad mexicana . El Colegio de México/UNAM/Miguel Ángel Porrúa. 1990. ( Won the "Fray Bernardino de Sahagún" Award of the National Anthropological Institute).

- (With F.Paz and M.Velazquez) 1995. Culture and Global Change: Social Perceptions of Deforestation in the Lacandona Rain Forest . Michigan, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Published in Spanish, 1996.

- Patrimonio cultural Inmaterial de México: Ritos y Festividades . 2009. Mexico: Cámara de Diputados, CRIM-UNAM and Miguel Ángel Porrúa.

Culture, International Transactions and the Anthropocene . 2O18. Germany, Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing. Published in Spanish, 2019. Cultura, Transacciones Internacionales y el Antropoceno . Mexico: Crim-Unam y M.A. Porrua.

- Coordinator/Editor

- La Mujer y el Desarrollo, Vol. II : "La Mujer y la Unidad Doméstica. (Comp.) Mexico: Ford Foundation, SEP‑Diana. 1982.

- Balance de la Antropología en América Latina y el Caribe . (Comp. autores mexicanos) Mexico: UNAM-CRIM/Juan Pablos eds. 1993.

- Antropología Breve de México. (Comp autores latinoamericanos.) Mexico: Academia de la Investigación Científica. 1993.

- (With Priscilla Stone and David C. Major, eds). Population and environment: rethinking the debate. Westview, 1994.

- Cultural Dimensions of Global Change: an Anthropological Approach , (Editor: anthropology). 1997. Paris: UNESCO; Translated into Spanish, English and Portuguese. Dimensiones culturales del cambio global.1997. Mexico: Crim-Unam CRIM-UNAM.

- Los retos culturales de México, (coord.) CRIM/UNAM, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, Cámara de Diputados (LIX Legislatura), Mexico, 2004, pp. 388.

- Los retos culturales de México frente a la globalización (coord.) CRIM/UNAM, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, Cámara de Diputdos (LIX Legislatura), Mexico, 2006.

- Patrimonio Cultural Cívico. La memoria política como capital social (coord.) (2011). México: Cámara de Diputados, UNAM/Miguel Ángel Porrúa. 2011.

- Compartir el patrimonio cultural Inmaterial: narrativas y representaciones , (coord.). Mexico: CONACULTA/CRIM-UNAM. 2011.

- (With Cristina Amescua) Anthropological Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Springer Briefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace . Coord. Heidelberg, Germany. Springer International Publishing. 2013.

- Lourdes Arizpe - A Mexican Pioneer in Anthropology. SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Germany, Heidelberg: 2013.

- Migration, Women and Social Development Key: Issues . Serie Springer Briefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Germany, Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, Crim-Unam. 2014.

- Culture, Diversity and Heritage: Major Studies (Comp) Springer Briefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice. Heidelbrg, Germany. Pp. 199. October 2015.

- (With Edith Perez Flores) Siempre flor y canto: las flores en el patrimonio cultural inmaterial de México (2014). Mexico. CRIM-UNAM y Miguel Ángel Porrúa. 2014.

- Vivir para crear historia. Antología de estudios sobre desarrollo, migración, género e indígenas (comp.) Mexico: Crim-Unam y Miguel Ángel Porrúa. 2015.

- (With Cristina Amescua, coords.) Renovación y futuro del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en México . Mexico: Crim-Unam. 2017.

Other publications in English:

- Publication as a member of U.N. World Commission on Culture and Development : Our Creative Diversity. 1995. Paris: UNESCO (L. Arizpe was responsible for its Secretariat).

- Publications as Chair of Scientific Committee, World Culture Reports (1998; 2001) Paris: UNESCO.

- Publication as a member of the Group of Eminent Persons for a Dialogue of Civilizations : Crossing the Divide: a Dialogue of Civilizations, 2002.

- Publication as a member of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council, United Nations: Achieving Sustainable Development in an Age of Climate Change , Committee for Development Policy, United Nations, 2009.



Fulbright-Hays scholarship , 1978; John D. Guggenheim scholarship, 1982;Award for Service to Indigenous Peoples,Instituto Nacional Indigenista, 1978; member of theMexican Academy of Sciences, 1986; National System of Researchers, Mexico, Level III, 1989-2002; Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Prize for Best Anthropological Book, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico,1990; Benigno Aquino Award for Distinguished Service to Developing Countries, William and Mary College, USA, 1992; Gorjanovic-Krambergeri Prize of the Croatian Anthropological Society, Zagreb, Croatia, 1993; Member and Director of Secretariat for the of the U.N. Commission on Cultureand Development, Director of its Secretariat, 1992-94; Award for Distinguished Service in Culture, Ministry of Culture, Pakistan, 1996; Honorary Member, Royal Anthropology Institute, United Kingdom, 1997; Guest speaker, American Anthropological Association Conference, Chicago, 1999; Member of Group of Eminent Persons for the U.N. Dialogue of Civilizations, 2000-01; Chair, Committee on Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Mexican Council for the Reform of the State, 2001; Chair, Committee on Principles, Mexican Citizen´s Council against Discrimination; Visiting Fellow, Andres Bello Chair, New York University, 2002; ; Award of the Municipal Government of Zacualpan, Morelos for activities aimed at revitalizing intangible cultural heritage, October 2004; President, International Social Science Council, 2002-2004, reelected 2004-2008; Lourdes Arizpe Award on Political and Environmental Studies awarded every two years by the American Anthropological Association, 2004-2010; Member of the Academic Faculty of the Economic Global Forum of Davos, Switzerland 1999-2004; member, Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt; Chair, Board of the United Nations Research on Social Development Institute (UNRISD) 2006-2016; Women Investing in Women Award, Semillas A.C., Mexico, 2006; Keynote speaker, session to commemorate the 25thanniversary of the Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policy held in Mexico City, at the Chamber of Representatives of the National Congress, Mexico, August 8, 2007; awarded the National Order of Palmes Académiques, France, 2007; Honorary Doctorate, University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida, USA, 2010; "Vasco de Quiroga Award" to the "Women of the Year 2011" by Delegación Álvaro Obregón, February 2011; awarded the Medalla al Mérito of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico 2010; Eminent guest at the graduation ceremony of the 2011-2012 promotion of M2/MBA de Droit des Affaires et de Management-Gestion by L´École de Droit et Management de Paris , Panthéon Assas-Sorbonne Universités, October 2012; Raymond Firth Distinguished Lecturer, at the Congress of the International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences , Manchester 2013; Award “Tribute to Women” given at the 60th Anniversary of the Women’s Vote in Mexico,Senate of the Republic, LXII Legislature, Mexico, 2013. Award “La Venera José Ma. Morelos y Pavón” given to promoters of popular culture by the government of the State of Morelos 2014; Honorary Research Fellow, The University of Manchester, May-June 2014; Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2017; Award as a Pioneer in establishing the first Women Studies´ Program (PIEM) at El Colegio de México, March 2021.



“On Culture and Social Sustainability”, in Development, 1997: 110-117. Reprint of article published in the same journal in 1989.

With Wolfgang Lutz “Population and Natural Resources", an Agenda for Science on Environment and Development . Cambridge: University of Cambridge. 1992.

With Fernanda Paz. "Culture et Durabilité" en Revue Tiers-Monde: Environnement et developpement, Volume XXXIII, no. 130, April-June 1992: 338-355.

"Culture and Knowledge in Development" in Change: Threat or Opportunity for Human Progress? Vol. IV: Changes in the Human Dimensions of Development, Ethics and Values, Uner Kirdar, ed. Nueva York: United Nations. 1992: 117-125.

“Chiapas: los problemas básicos”. México: CRIM-UNAM, 1994. Also published in English, “Chiapas: The Basic Problems” in Identities, pp. 219-233, OPA, 1996.

“Cultural Heritage and Globalization” in Conservation, Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. 2001.

“The Intellectual History of Culture and Development Institutions” in Culture and Public Action. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press (World Bank), 2002:163-185.

“Migration and culture: symbolic networks of the future” in Los Retos cuturales de México, L. Arizpe, coord. México: Miguel Ángel Porrúa. 2004.

“The Ritual and the Promise: Why People Value Social Ritual” in Beyond Price: In Search of Cultural Value, M.Hutter and D. Throsby. Cambridge University Press. 2005.

“Introducción”; "El Simulacro de la Guerra de Independencia en Chilacachapa";"La Toma de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas en Morelos"; "Acatempan: el abrazo de la palabra hermana en Guerrero; "Conmemoración de la Promulgación del Plan de Ayala en Villa de Ayala, Morelos" in Patrimonio cultural cívico: la memoria política como capital social, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, UNAM, LXI Legislatura Cámara de Diputados May 2011.

Mexicanos en la era global”, in Revista de la Universidad de México, October 2011.

“Comment parvenir à un consensus. La Commission international sur la culture et le développement de la Convention de 2003” in Gradhiva, Revue d'anthropologie e d'histoire des arts, number 18, December 2013.

“En todo umbral y fisura social en México, siempre flores”. In:Siempre flor y canto: El uso de las flores en el patrimonio cult ural inmterial. CRIM-UNAM, Miguel Ángel Porrúa Morelos and Ministry of Culture, of Morelos. December, 2014.

“La reconfiguración de las danzas mexicanas y la libertad cultural”, in: Renovación y futuro del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en México, Cristina Amescua, Lourdes Arizpe (coords.) CRIM/UNAM. March, 2017.

“Los Estudios sobre medio ambiente hechos en la antropología de México”, (accepted for publication 2019) in the book: “La Antropología hecha en México”, Colegio de Etnólogos y Antropólogos de México. In print.

DVD Production

DVD (Coordinator) Mexican Intangible Cultural heritage, 2006.

DVD: (Coordinator) Representaciones de la Independencia y la Revolución: el patrimonio cultural cívico de los pueblos de México, CRIM-UNAM, 2010.

Webpage: Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial CRIM-UNAM: CRIM/UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos. 2012.

DVD (Coordinator of fieldwork ) to produce an archive of 24 ethnographic films on the intangible cultural heritage of the State of Morelos, Mexico. 2008-2018.

DVD (Coordinator) Intangible: El Patrimonio vivo en Morelos, 10 videos. Co-produced by CRIM/UNAM; UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity; Instituto de Radio y Televisión de Morelos and Macario Producciones. 2013-2015.



Founder Nueva Antropología, 1978 , (Mexico); founder Revista Fem, 1975,(Mexico); Editorial boards of: Revista de Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, 1977-82, (Colombia); Signs: Women in Culture and Society, 1978-80 (University of Chicago, U.S.A.);Latin American Research Review, 1980-82, (U.S.A.);Journal of Latin American Studies, 1980-84 (U.K.); Nexos, 1982- (Mexico); México Indígena, 1985-89, (Mexico); Journal of Urban Anthropology, 1984- (U.S.A.); Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, 1984-88, (U.S.A.); Publication Committee, UNESCO Publishing, 1994-98; Advisory Committee, Anuario Social Político de América Latina y el Caribe, FLACSO, 1997-1998; Advisory Committee, U.N. History Project, 2002- ; Advisory Committee, United Nations Development Program, Human Development Report , 1992-2004; Editorial Board, Development (Sage Publications), 1998- ; Editorial Advisory Board, International Human Development and Capabilities, 2008-2014.


  • “Women, migration and rural development” in M.A. Program, Rutgers University, 1987.
  • “Culture, Diversity and Globalization” Ph.D. Program, El Colegio de Mexico, 2001.
  • “Culture, Economy and Logos” Master´s Degree Program, New York University, 2002.
  • “The Cultural Impact of Mexican Migration to the United States ”, School of Political and Social Science, National University of Mexico, 2002.
  • “Culture, Politics and Globalization” , Ph.D Program, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Faculty, National University of Mexico. 2002-.
  • Diploma Course on “Cultural Interactivity and Global Processes”. Crim, National University of Mexico, 2003-2004.
  • Anthropology, culture and globalization”, Ph.D. Program, Institute of Anthropological Research, National University of Mexico, 2005.
  • “Culture, international relations and globalization” , Ph.D. Program, School of Political and Social Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 2007-2018.
  • Diploma Course on “Cultural Diversity, Intangible Heritage and Communication” , CRIM-UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico, August-December 2013-2016.


Paper: “Mexico: Society and Violence”, International Conference: Mexico at the start of the 21th Century. The British Academy and the American Academy of Sciences. London. November 2015.

Keynote Speaker : “Sociedades rituales y resilencia. Cómo los ritos sociales nos hacen humanos”, III International Congress on Experiences of Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, September 2015.

Keynote Speaker : “La transculturación en la sociedad mexicana y sus repercusiones en el desarrollo nacional”, in the Annual Meeting of the Colegio de Defensa Nacional, Mexico, March 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Keynote Speaker : in the International Symposium on Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Local Communities, Researches, sates and UNESCO”, Center for Glocal Studies de la Seijo University. July 2017.

Conference: “Cultura y Sociedad”, IV Colloquium: "Megalopolis and the environment", organized by the Center for Social Studies and Public Opinion, Cámara de Diputados LXIII Legislatura, September 2018.

Keynote Speaker at the commemorative event, "El Otro soy yo: el pensamiento antropológico e histórico 80 años después de la creación de la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia”. National School of Anthropology and Ethnology, Mexico, November 2018.

Panelist: “ Mechanisms and international systems of protection, safeguarding, promotion and development of the intangible cultural heritage of indigenous peoples and communities”, International Forum on the Protection of Cultural Heritage as a Collective Right, Senate de la República, Mexico, 18-19 may 2019.

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